Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation

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Best Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation in Delhi NCR

Save sight centre is the top-rated Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Delhi NCR. Our expert team offers a number of services to enhance visual abilities and improve the quality of life for individuals with visual impairments.

Best Vision Therapy in Delhi NCR

Vision therapy is for all ages, but youngsters frequently progress faster. Childhood's quick growth and development is the main reason. The visual system and brain are more neuroplastic in childhood. Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt. Thus, youngsters may respond better to vision therapy and improve visually.

Visually impaired people receive comprehensive care at our rehabilitation centre. These centres assist people maximize their vision, adapt to visual loss, and restore independence. Our team of optometrists, occupational therapists, orientation and mobility specialists, and rehabilitation counsellors addresses each patient's needs.

Services for Vision Rehabilitation

Services for Vision Rehabilitation
  • Low Vision Evaluation: Low vision optometrists examine vision loss's functional impact and recommend ways to improve eyesight. They may prescribe magnifiers or telescopes and teach patients on their use.
  • Orientation and Mobility Training: Specialists train people to navigate safely and freely. This may require acquiring white cane methods, spatial awareness, and mobility abilities in different environments.
  • ADL (Activities of daily living) Training: Occupational therapists help vision-impaired people adjust their everyday routines. They teach self-care skills like cooking, grooming, medication management, and assistive technology.
  • Assistive Technology: Vision rehabilitation institutes offer a variety of independence-enhancing equipment and technologies. Screen readers, speech-to-text software, electronic magnifiers, and other adaptive aids help with reading, writing, and digital information.
  • Counselling and Support: Vision rehabilitation counsellors offer emotional support and guidance. They help people manage with eyesight loss, emotional issues, and community support.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation: Some vision rehabilitation institutions help visually impaired people find jobs and education. Career guidance, job placement, and workplace modifications are possible.

Vision rehabilitation facilities assist visually impaired people live independently and better. Save Sight Centre helps visually impaired people succeed by using a multidisciplinary approach and tailored support.

Why to go for Vision Therapy?

Vision treatment improves vision. Vision treatment has several benefits:

Why to go for Vision Therapy
  • Correcting Visual Problems: Amblyopia, strabismus, convergence insufficiency, and eye tracking and coordination issues can be corrected with vision therapy.
  • Enhancing Visual Skills: Vision therapy improves eye-hand coordination, depth perception, visual tracking, and visual perception. These skills are essential for academic, athletic, and daily visual processing.
  • Improving Academic Performance: Visual abnormalities might cause reading, focus, and comprehension difficulty. Vision treatment improves reading, information processing, and academic performance.
  • Vision treatment helps improve sports vision. Hand-eye coordination, peripheral awareness, depth perception, and response time improve sports performance and success.
  • Vision therapy can help traumatic brain injury victims recover. It addresses visual disruptions and visual processing issues caused by the damage, encouraging healing and functional improvement.
  • Computer Vision Syndrome Relief: Prolonged usage of digital screens can cause eye strain, headaches, and impaired vision. Vision therapy helps reduce screen-related eye fatigue, improve visual endurance, and concentrate.
  • Vision therapy improves binocular vision by aligning and coordinating the eyes. Depth perception, eye teaming, and eye strain may improve.

Vision Therapy for Lazy Eye (amblyopia)

Vision therapy can improve lazy eye (amblyopia). The weaker eye has lower visual acuity in lazy eye. This therapy for lazy eye can help in:

Vision Therapy for Lazy Eye
  • Correcting Refractive Errors: Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism typically accompany lazy eye. Vision treatment can fix these refractive problems with corrective lenses or contact lenses.
  • Lazy eye treatment often involves eye patches. Patching the stronger eye makes the weaker eye work harder and enhance its vision. This improves lazy eye vision and strength.
  • Vision exercises increase visual acuity, eye coordination, and binocular vision. Focusing, tracking, and teaming tasks may be included. Strengthening the brain-lazy eye link improves vision.
  • Vision Stimulation: Vision treatment may stimulate the visual system with specialized equipment and approaches. Prisms, filters, and occlusion can challenge the visual system and improve lazy eye vision.
  • Lazy eye often impairs visual integration. Vision therapy trains eyes to work together to improve binocular vision and depth perception. This improves vision and cognitive processing.
  • Lazy eye patients are often given home-based tasks to support their vision therapy success. Near- and far-sighted tasks, visual puzzles, and interactive computer programs can enhance the lazy eye.

Vision Therapy Exercises

Vision therapy exercises boost various visual functions. Optometrists or vision therapists prescribe and supervise these activities as part of a vision rehabilitation program. Visual needs and goals determine the workouts advised.

Vision Therapy Exercises

Common vision therapy exercises:

  • Eye Teaming Exercises: These increase eye coordination and alignment. They may entail focusing at varied distances, tracking moving objects, or executing specific eye motions to improve eye teaming.
  • Accommodation Exercises: Eyes adjust focus at different distances. Accommodation exercises increase the eye's flexibility and precision by focusing on close and far objects or utilizing specific focusing strategies.
  • Visual Tracking Exercises: These improve eye tracking of moving objects. They may include eye tracking or following a moving target.
  • Visual Perception Exercises: These exercises improve visual processing and interpretation. Visual memory games, puzzles, and spatial awareness and visual discrimination activities may be included.
  • Visual Motor Integration Exercises: These exercises improve visual-motor coordination. Catching or tossing a ball while tracking it requires hand-eye coordination.
  • Visual memory activities strengthen visual memory. They may require learning and repeating shapes, patterns, or sequences.

Low Vision Aids and Devices

Low vision aids and technologies enable visually impaired people maximize their eyesight and conduct daily tasks independently. These aids help with reading, writing, TV, and face recognition.

Low Vision Aids And Devices

The common Low-vision aids include:

  • Magnifiers: Handheld, upright, and electronic magnifiers. They magnify text or objects. Electronic magnifiers with adjustable magnification, contrast, and lighting can improve visibility.
  • Telescopic Devices: Telescopic glasses and monoculars allow for long-distance viewing. They help with facial recognition, performances, and outdoor events.
  • Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV): CCTV cameras magnify text and objects on a screen. They have magnification, contrast, and viewing modes. CCTV systems are utilized for reading, writing, and handicrafts.
  • Electronic Reading Devices: Digital e-readers and tablet computers enable text-to-speech, changeable font sizes, and high contrast. They help low-vision people read digital content.
  • Talking Products: Talking watches, clocks, and calculators feature speech output. These devices aid with timekeeping and math.
  • Braille Devices: Braille notetakers and embossers allow visually impaired people to read and write in Braille. They translate digital data into Braille.
  • Lighting and Contrast Enhancers: Good lighting and contrast improve visibility. Task lamps, adjustable lighting, and high-contrast materials can improve vision and eliminate shadows.
  • Assistive Technology: Screen readers, screen magnification software, and voice-activated assistants can improve information access and task efficiency on computers, cellphones, and other devices.

Rehabilitation after eye surgery or injury

Rehabilitation after eye surgery or injury restores vision and improves quality of life. Here's an overview of the rehabilitation process:

Rehabilitation After Eye Surgery Or Injury
  • Evaluation and Assessment: An ophthalmologist or eye care specialist does a thorough evaluation before eye surgery or injury rehabilitation. This evaluation assesses eye health, visual impairment, and unique visual problems.
  • Treatment Plan Development: Based on evaluation results, a customized treatment plan is created. Medical therapies, visual exercises, and assistive technologies may help in recuperation.
  • Medical interventions may be needed depending on the surgery or injury. Medication management, post-operative care, and follow-up sessions guarantee adequate healing and optimal visual outcomes.
  • Vision Therapy: Vision therapy exercises and activities improve visual acuity, eye coordination, and visual processing skills throughout recovery. These exercises encourage visual growth, eye teaming, and integration.
  • Assistive gadgets: Assistive gadgets may be recommended for vision problems. Magnifiers, telescopes, specialist glasses, and technological aids increase vision and daily independence.
  • Occupational and Functional Training: After eye surgery or injury, occupational therapy or functional training may help people adjust to their vision. Reading, writing, driving, and daily living techniques are examples.
  • Psychological Support: Vision loss or changes can be emotionally difficult. Psychological help and counseling may be needed during recovery.
  • Monitoring and revisions: Rehabilitation is a continuous process that requires regular monitoring and treatment plan revisions. Follow-up meetings with the eye doctor and vision therapist review visual improvements and handle new issues.

Rehabilitation for age-related macular degeneration

Rehabilitation for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) helps patients optimize their remaining vision, adjust to central vision changes, and retain everyday independence. Rehabilitation can improve AMD-related eyesight and quality of life. Age-related macular degeneration rehabilitation approaches include:

Rehabilitation For Age-related Macular Degeneration
  • Low Vision Evaluation: To assess visual talents, needs, and goals, a comprehensive low vision evaluation is necessary. Low vision specialists or optometrists perform this assessment. It tests visual acuity, field, contrast sensitivity, and functional vision for specified tasks.
  • Low Vision Aids and Devices: Based on the evaluation, the low vision specialist may prescribe and recommend appropriate aids and devices to optimize remaining eyesight. Magnifiers, telescopic lenses, electronic magnifiers, and reading glasses are examples. Reading, writing, and other visual tasks are made easier by improving contrast, enlarging images, and reducing glare.
  • Assistive Technology: Technology has created many AMD-supportive equipment. Electronic reading devices with customizable font sizes and high contrast, screen magnification software for PCs and smartphones, voice-activated assistants, audio books, and text-to-speech converters are examples. Assistive technology improves information, digital material, and communication.
  • Vision rehabilitation exercises improve visual abilities and compensate for central vision loss. These exercises may involve eccentric gazing techniques to leverage peripheral vision and visual scanning strategies to navigate. Vision therapy can also treat binocular vision and visual processing issues.
  • Adaptive Strategies and Techniques: Rehabilitation teaches people how to do daily tasks more efficiently. This may involve correct lighting and contrast, organizing and labeling products, using large-print materials or audio resources, time management tactics, and specific reading, cooking, or personal care practices.
  • Psychological Support and Counselling: AMD can affect mental health and quality of life. Vision loss can be emotionally difficult, thus rehabilitation programs may offer psychological support and counselling. Support groups, individual counselling, and mental health referrals can help voice worries, exchange experiences, and receive guidance.

Adaptive techniques for daily living with vision loss

Visual impairment can improve independence and quality of life with daily living adaptations. These methods use alternate methods and specialized tools to overcome eyesight loss. You can follow these adaptive methods:

Adaptive Techniques For Daily Living With Vision Loss
  • Organization and Labeling: Organizing and labeling personal goods, household items, and documents makes them easier to find. Tactile markers, large-print labels, and audio labels help identify goods by touch or sound.
  • Lighting and contrast improve sight. Task lighting should be used in bright, even illumination. Use dark cutting boards on light countertops, wear contrasting colors, and write or draw using bold, high-contrast markers.
  • Reading and Writing: Use large-print books, adjustable-font e-books, or audiobooks for reading. Magnifiers, handheld and stand-mounted, aid reading. Bold pens, large-print or tactile-lined paper, and writing aids or templates help writing.
  • Vision-loss gadgets and apps are available. Screen-reading software reads digital stuff aloud. OCR programs can read printed text aloud using a smartphone camera. Smart speakers can create reminders and retrieve information.
  • Mobility and orientation: These skills improve independence and safety. This involves navigating with a white cane or guiding dog. Landmarks, sounds, and tactile cues can help orient you to your environment.
  • Kitchen & Cooking: Keep kitchen items organized for convenient access. Tactile marks or raised dots on appliances and measuring equipment indicate settings or measurements. Talking clocks and food scales can aid cooking.
  • Personal Care and Grooming: Use adaptable methods for personal care. This may entail employing talking or tactile-labeled drug organizers, applying makeup with high-contrast mirrors, or grooming with long-handled brushes or electric razors.
  • Transit: Plan ahead and use accessible public transit when available. Smartphone apps or GPS devices with voice-guided directions help navigate. Use ridesharing or family/friend transportation.
  • Time management and organization: Use talking clocks or watches with large, high-contrast digits. Use smartphone or computer calendars with audio reminders. Checklists and procedures help organize.
  • Attend support groups or vision-loss training programs. These resources can offer advice, emotional support, and useful information.