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Control Myopia at the best Myopia Clinic in Delhi

Our Myopic Clinic helps people to manage and control nearsightedness. Myopia, or near-sightedness, is a common vision problem where you can see close objects clearly but distant objects will be blurry. This can happen due to many reasons including increase in the size of the eye, high curve of the cornea, etc. It has been observed in a research that after the pandemic, mostly kids have been myopic due to less outdoor and high indoor activities.

What is Myopia?

Myopia is an eye condition in which patients had to face difficulty in seeing objects far objects. Myopia usually begins in childhood and can progress with age. Factors contributing to its development include genetics and environmental influences, such as prolonged close-up activities like reading or using digital devices.

Causes of Myopia

Several factors contribute to myopia:

  • Genetics: If your parents are nearsighted, you are at high risk to be myopic.
  • Environmental Factors: Spending a lot of time doing near activities like reading or using digital devices can strain your eyes and lead to high myopia.
  • Lifestyle: Not spending enough time outdoors and not getting enough natural light can increase the risk of myopia.

Symptoms of Myopia

Common signs of myopia include:

  • Blurry vision when looking at distant objects like white boards in school
  • Squinting often
  • Eye strain and headaches

Diagnosing Myopia

A complete eye exam is needed to diagnose myopia. An optometrist or ophthalmologist will conduct several tests, such as:

  • Visual Acuity Test: This test checks how well you can see by using an eye chart.
  • Refraction Test and Retinoscopy: These tests help determine if you have a refractive error, like nearsightedness, using special tools like a retinoscope or an auto-refractometer.
  • Dilated Examination: This exam involves dilating your pupils to check for false nearsightedness and to examine the retina for any issues like lattice degeneration or a retinal hole.

Myopia Treatment Options

The treatment for Myopia is divided as below:

  1. Glasses: You will be provided with Glasses to correct your vision so you can see things clearly at a distance. They work by adjusting the light that enters your eyes.
  2. Contact Lenses: Contact lenses are small, thin lenses that sit directly on your eyes. They do a similar function to glasses by helping you see clearly, but they don’t have the visible frames of glasses.
  3. Vision Therapy: This is a customized program of exercises designed to improve eye coordination, focusing, and other visual skills.
  4. Refractive Surgery: If you are at an age of 18 or more then this is a procedure where an eye surgeon reshapes the cornea (the clear front part of your eye) to improve your vision. For a permanent solution, refractive surgery options include:
  • LASIK: Uses a laser to reshape the cornea and correct the refractive error.
  • PRK: Removes a small amount of corneal tissue to reshape it, suitable for those with thinner corneas.
  • ICL: Involves implanting a lens inside the eye to correct vision without altering the cornea's shape. ICL Surgery is done where LASIK cannot be done either due to their cornea or high eye power.

Myopia Progression Control Options

The following modifications should be followed by the children of age 5-18 years:

1. Lifestyle Modification

Every myopic is advised to follow lifestyle modification. The children are advised to do outdoor activities between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for 1-2 hours daily. One should reduce screen-time and avoid near work. Also, make correct posture and sufficient lights.

2. Optical Treatment

  • Peripheral Defocus Spectacles: Peripheral defocus spectacles are designed to focus light in a way that reduces myopia progression. These glasses have a special lens design that creates a defocus effect on the peripheral retina, which can help slow down the elongation of the eyeball.
  • Bifocal Spectacles: Bifocal spectacles have two distinct optical powers, with the upper part of the lens for distance vision and the lower part for near vision. These can be useful for people with both myopia and presbyopia (age-related near vision loss). They can help reduce eye strain during close-up tasks.

3. Contact Lenses

Contact lenses provide a wider field of vision and are less noticeable than glasses. They come in various types, including soft, rigid gas permeable, and toric lenses for astigmatism. Daily disposable lenses can be a convenient and hygienic option. Some special contact lenses are designed to correct myopia and slow its progression.

4. Pharmacological Treatments

Atropine Eye Drops: Low-dose atropine drops can slow the progression of myopia in children.

5. Regular Eye Check-Ups

Early detection and management are key for nearsightedness treatment.

6. Other Options:

  • Balanced Diet: Eating foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and omega-3 fatty acids supports eye health.
  • Limiting Screen Time: Reduce close-up activities and take breaks to lessen eye strain.

Myopia Management for Children

Early intervention is crucial for managing myopia in children. Parents should watch for signs of myopia and seek professional advice if needed. Regular eye check-ups can effectively slow myopia progression in kids of age 6 Months to 5 Years.


Myopia is a common but manageable condition. With the right approach, including regular eye exams, appropriate corrective measures, and lifestyle adjustments, individuals with myopia can maintain good vision and quality of life. Early detection and intervention are especially crucial for children to ensure their visual development is not compromised. By staying informed and proactive, we can effectively address the challenges posed by myopia and safeguard our eye health.


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Qus.1 Can myopia be controlled?

Ans: Yes, myopia can be controlled with treatments like lifestyle modification, special glasses, contact lenses, or eye drops designed to slow its progression.

Qus.2 What is the best myopia control?

Ans: The best myopia control depends on the individual, but options include specialized glasses, contact lenses, or low-dose atropine eye drops.

Qus.3 How can I reduce myopia?

Ans: You can't fully reduce myopia, but you can slow its progression by spending more time outdoors, taking breaks from close-up work, and using corrective lenses.

Qus.4 Does myopia stop at 18?

Ans: Myopia often stabilizes in the late teens or early twenties, but it can sometimes continue to worsen after 18.

Qus.5 Can myopia be fully cured?

Ans: Myopia can't be fully cured, but it can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery like LASIK.

Qus.6 Is 1.25 eyesight bad?

Ans: A 1.25 prescription indicates mild myopia. It's not considered bad, but you might need glasses for clear vision, especially for distance.

Qus.7 Is minus 1 eyesight bad?

Ans: Minus 1 eyesight indicates mild myopia. It's not severe, but glasses or contact lenses may be needed for clear distance vision.